A Memorable Day-9August2008
A group of crazies (Me, Jonathan, Jamie, Beverly, Racher, Yi Ching and Cornelius) went a adventure trip on that day. We decided to go One Borneo first as Rachel never went there before. One Borneo was too far from our school, so we have to find a car dropped us at Warisan Square then sit shuttle bas to reach there. You know what? When we reached the office and get for the free bus tickets. The officer didn't want to give us... We were so..umm, dissappointed? But.. because of this problem.. we have made a lot funny stuff, do a lot crazy things we have never done before.. Haha. That annoying officer asked us to change our uniforms as the tickets were for tourists only.. EEE~how to change? We didn't have any clothes for us to change. Buy meh? wasted money...
SO.. 30minutes later... All of us went back to the office with weird look. Haha. It unbelievable.
Especially, Cornelius.. He is so GAYY..HAHAHA
Me and Bev acts as sisters.. As our jackets were same colour.. We don't have pants for ur to change (sobs) Unfortunately, we don't have our photo. SAD~
NOW.. our SOPO and her best buddy..
RACHEL LEE(in white) AND CHU YI CHING(in black)..
YOU SEE THAT? SOPO this character reall SUIT her.
For Jonathan and Jamie.. Hmmm.. They look quite okay.. but still little ugly.. Haha..
Hey, it's real.. Don't blame me =P..
Before going up the bus.
Finally, that officer gave us tickets.Haha..We chiong going up the bus..scared no seats.. ><
Around 2pm, We reached One Borneo. After get off the bus, all of us quickly changed back to our normal , school look. That's us!
It's time to eat. We suffer for hunger. AHH~ I wish how good if food dropped from sky for us. Fortunately, We still have little lucky in this world. Haha. We found that there was a cute shop named New York New York. I agreed to have lunch at there too! You know why?? Haha, as i spotted the chairs inside were very cute. So I did go. That's the place we sit. It's quite comfortable. Haha.
Guess what we had for lunch....
Okay... Lunch time had past.. Hmmm.. We walked around this hyper mall. Maybe it's still new, there was nothing suitable for us to buy. THINGS WERE TOO EXPENSIVE. Aww~
Let me think.. OH YA! One thing we spotted in a Japanese Shop.
Haha. We bought this for Mr.Lai lessons. Mr.Lai's voice were terrible, annoying and make us feel sleepy. This thing may help us keep awake during his class. Haha.
Hey, I had wrote alot. It's time to pass to another person to continue our memorable day.
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